Belonging to the Urticaceae family, stinging nettle is one of over 500 species of Urtica, derived from the Latin word "to burn," commonly known as stinging nettle. It thrives in various temperate regions and can be easily grown from seeds or by dividing its roots in any type of soil. The entire plant is utilised for its medicinal properties, with different parts offering distinct benefits. This discussion specifically addresses the leaves, which are typically harvested in the summer when the plant is flowering, although young shoots can be gathered in the spring for use as a tonic or vegetable.
The active components found in a plant that exert a medicinal influence on the body are known as active constituents. In the case of Urtica dioica, the active constituents of particular importance are mainly the nutrients, Flavonoids, and amines, making nettle one of the most versatile plants currently accessible to us.
Quercetin, the main flavonoid found in Nettle, is responsible for its anti-allergy properties by stabilising the cells that release histamine in the body. This leads to both antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.
These small molecules which includes neurotransmitters and psychoactive substances, belong to a chemical group that holds significant biological relevance. Histamine and Serotonin, essential amines, can be found in Nettle leaf.
Silicic acid
Being the essential nutrient for cell growth and renewal, it is what gives plants their strength from within. The pharmaceutical industry has long acknowledged its potential and offers it in various concentrated topical forms for treating conditions such as acne and warts.
Vitamin K
This essential nutrient is crucial for blood clotting and wound healing, giving nettle its anti-hemorrhagic, styptic, and hemostatic properties.
For plants, the green pigment required for photosynthesis is crucial, whereas for animals, it acts as a beneficial nutrient with antioxidant qualities. Research indicates various potential benefits, including anti-cancer properties.
Nettle leaf is known for its ability to support the body's natural processes of growth, health, and renewal, and is even applied topically to promote hair growth on the scalp. Its high iron content helps with anaemia and enhances breast milk production. Nettle is primarily used as a cleansing and detoxifying herb due to its diuretic properties resulting from its flavonoid and potassium levels. It is recommended for conditions related to poor kidney function and fluid retention, such as arthritis and toxin-induced skin issues. Nettle's anti-allergenic properties make it effective in managing various allergy-related conditions like hay fever, asthma, itchy skin problems, hotspots, and insect bites, with its juice being particularly useful for treating nettle stings. Additionally, nettle leaf acts as a potent styptic agent, reducing menstrual flow when taken internally. When applied externally, the powdered leaf or infusion can be directly used on bleeding wounds to promote wound healing, thanks to its antiseptic and astringent qualities.

An easy infusion can serve as an excellent antiseptic solution to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, and aid in healing, especially beneficial for addressing hotspots. When consumed, this same tea can effectively treat chronic diarrhea and cystitis, particularly for individuals who require a gentle method of administration. To prepare, steep 5-30g of dried or fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, cover, and let it infuse for 10-15 minutes. It is important to note that covering the infusion helps preserve the medicinal properties instead of letting them evaporate.

Applying the juice of fresh leaves directly on the skin is possible, but caution is advised to avoid contact with the stinging hairs on the underside of the leaf. An alternative method is to steep the dried leaves in a carrier oil of food-grade quality, with organic olive oil being an excellent choice, to create a topical cream. This resulting preparation can be applied topically on areas with skin inflammation, irritation, or damage. By using high-quality food-grade ingredients, you can rest assured that there are no toxicity concerns if your pet licks the treated area, which they are likely to do.

Dried herb:
Integrating dried herbs into the diet is an uncomplicated and convenient choice, but it's crucial to use the medicinal type, ensuring it is of high quality (aroma and color are good quality indicators), and to follow the recommended dosage. When used in this manner, Urtica dioica serves as a beneficial nutritive tonic that can help with various conditions such as chronic diarrhea, cystitis, osteoarthritis, and allergic rhinitis.
Concentrated extracts

Concentrated extracts are available in different forms and offer the same internal benefits as infusions or dried herbs, but in a more potent and easily absorbable form. Tinctures, which are the most common type, use alcohol to extract and preserve a plant's medicinal properties. While this can be an excellent option for people due to its fast relief and small dosage, it is not suitable for pets who cannot metabolize alcohol. Although some believe the alcohol content in tinctures is negligible, those who wish to avoid any potential harm have alternatives. One option is to mix the necessary tincture drops in boiling water to allow the alcohol to evaporate before use. Another alternative is to opt for a glycerine-based preparation instead.
Nettle has been discovered to promote uterine contractions, which is why it is not recommended for internal use during pregnancy.
Avoid using this product during lactation because of its diuretic effects. It is also advisable to supplement potassium intake by consuming foods like bananas and fresh vegetables when using it regularly.
It is theoretically possible that Nettle could decrease the effectiveness of anticoagulant medications if ingested because of its ability to promote blood clotting, although more research is needed in this specific area.
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Hoffman, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism: The science and practice of herbal medicine. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press,
Hoffman, D. (2003). Holistic Herbal: A safe and practical guide to making and using herbal remedies. London, England: Thorsons.
Pedersen, M. (1991). Nutritional Herbology. Utah, USA: Pedersen Publishing. P 309.
Wynn, S. G. & Fougere, B. J. (2007). Veterinary Herbal Medicine. Missouri, USA: Mosby, Elsevier.